To reach and disciple young people.
Whoever you are, wherever you're from, you are welcome here.
Next Level Youth Ministries - a youth ministry for ages 12-18 which meets every Friday evening at 7:00pm and Sunday mornings at 10:00am. Next Level is a vibrant, energetic group who love to worship God. They thrive on Godly living, fellowship and fun. The goal is to make these Next Level nights follow the inward, outward and upward model:
- Inward – A night of FUN!
- Outward – Community, Church, or School Outreach
- Upward –Spiritual Growth
Sunday Mornings
Join us most Sunday mornings upstairs in the Worship Center. We have two age groups that meet:
Jr High 6-8th grade
Sr High 9-12th grade
Jr High 6-8th grade
Sr High 9-12th grade
Next Level Nights
Fridays at 7:00 pm
Jr High and Sr. High ages combined meet for small groups, fun activities & fellowship - contact us for more information.